Comedy Romance
A woman in London unexpectedly inherits a Texas ranching fortune, and takes a transatlantic voyage to collect her fortune, not suspecting two men aboard both plan on winning her hand before she reaches America. One is a gambler interested in her money, and the other, a rich man looking for a wife. The rich man's friend, meanwhile, believes the heiress is actually a gold-digger.
Directed by
Norman Taurog
James Whitmore
Vincent Maran
Spring Byington
Mrs. Milwright
Deborah Kerr
Alison Kirbe
J. Carrol Naish
'Lucky' Reilly
Peter Lawford
Jeremy Taylor
George Cleveland
Mr. Cooper
Ian Wolfe
Edward Warrender
Robert Walker
Terence Keath
Mark Stevens
Matthew Kinston
Henri Letondal
Jacques Carnet
Carol Savage
Sylvia Rumley
Drue Mallory
Beryl Robinson

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