Romance Comedy Crime Fantasy
When timid bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss discovers a magical mask containing the spirit of the Norse god Loki, his entire life changes. While wearing the mask, Ipkiss becomes a supernatural playboy exuding charm and confidence which allows him to catch the eye of local nightclub singer Tina Carlyle. Unfortunately, under the mask's influence, Ipkiss also robs a bank, which angers junior crime lord Dorian Tyrell, whose goons get blamed for the heist.
Directed by
Chuck Russell
Cameron Diaz
Tina Carlyle
Jim Carrey
Stanley Ipkiss / The Mask
Peter Riegert
Lieutenant Mitch Kellaway
Blake Clark
Meadow Williams
Peter Greene
Dorian Tyrrell
Christopher Darga
Paramedic #3
Tim Bagley
Jeremy Roberts
Bobby the Bouncer
Richard Jeni
Charlie Schumaker
Amy Yasbeck
Peggy Brandt
Henry Kingi
Reg E. Cathey
Troy Robinson
Robert Keith
Police Officer
Ben Stein
Dr. Arthur Neuman
Johnny Williams
Joely Fisher
Tony Brubaker
Beau Lotterman
Megaphone Cop
Kevin Grevioux
Henchman #7
Nancy Fish
Mrs. Peenman
Gary Epper
Nils Allen Stewart
Orestes Matacena
Ivory Ocean
Mayor Tilton
Joseph Alfieri
Police Officer
Gary Littlejohn
Chris Taylor
Coco Bongo Cop #1
Denis Forest
Sweet Eddy
Robert O'Reilly
The Figure
Jim Doughan
Chris Durand
Bullet Valmont
Alley Punk #2
Garret Sato
Philip Boardman
Scott McElroy
Niko's Thug #1
Wendy L. Walsh
B.J. Barie
Alley Punk #1
Catherine Berge
Cigarette Girl
Krista Buonauro
Lady Cop
Debra Casey
Alley Punk #3
Suzanne Dunn
Peter Jazwinski
Park Policeman
Howard Kay
Niko's Thug #2
Richard Montes
Henchman #1
Louis Ortiz
Coco Bongo Valet
Daniel James Peterson
Henchman #6
Eamonn Roche
Mr. Dickey
Randi Ruimy
Screaming Lady
Melodee Spevack
Lisa Nunziella
Eddie Mulder

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