Thriller Horror
Shogo, the arrogant and condescending star of a popular call-in radio-show must temporarily broadcast out of Studio 6, a creepy and dilapidated booth abandoned since its last DJ committed suicide several years ago. Suddenly, Shogo begins receiving disturbing calls, the voice on the line whispers "Liar" over and over. Is the joke on him, has someone discovered the truth about his sinister past, or has the curse of Studio 6 been unleashed again? In this Booth, all sins will be atoned for.
Directed by
Yoshihiro Nakamura
Written by
Yoshihiro Nakamura
Masaki Miura
Hijiri Kojima
Ryuta Sato
Seiko Iwaido
Mansaku Ikeuchi
Makoto Ashikawa
Maiko Asano

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