Action Drama
For the first time in NXT history, the black and gold brand caps off SummerSlam weekend as Karrion Kross defends his NXT Championship against Samoa Joe, NXT UK Champion Walter defends his title against Ilja Dragunov, Dakota Kai looks to take the NXT Women's Championship from Raquel González, and "The Undisputed Finale" gets underway as Adam Cole takes on Kyle O'Reilly in a 2 Out of 3 Falls match.
Jorge Bolly
Santos Escobar
Walter Hahn
Ilja Rukober
Ilja Dragunov
Shaun Ricker
LA Knight
Cheree Crowley
Dakota Kai
Stuart Bennett
Wade Barrett
Elizabeth Copeland
Beth Phoenix
Kevin Kesar
Karrion Kross
Raúl Mendoza
Kyle Greenwood
Kyle O'Reilly
Austin Jenkins
Adam Cole
Nuufolau Joel Seanoa
Samoa Joe
Darren Matthews
William Regal
Raquel Rodriguez
Raquel Gonzalez
Michael Paris
Joaquin Wilde
Ted DiBiase Sr.
Ted DiBiase
Victor Travagliante
Vic Joseph
Trevor Lee Caddell
Cameron Grimes
Luke Menzies
Ridge Holland
Christian Hubble
Trey Baxter
Kayleigh Rae
Kay Lee Ray

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