Horror Thriller
A promising up-and-coming country duo seek out the secluded mansion of their idol Harper Dutch, a former country music star and Nashville royalty turned recluse. What starts out as a friendly visit devolves into a twisted series of horrors forcing the friends to confront the lengths they will go to in pursuit of their dreams.
Directed by
Brea Grant
Written by
Rachel Koller Croft
Katey Sagal
Harper Dutch
Shiloh Fernandez
Caleb Crawford
Brea Grant
Joshua Leonard
Richie Rowley Jones
Abby Quinn
Jordan Wilder
Alexxis Lemire
Leigh Blackhouse
Sailor Larocque
Young Harper
Tadasay Young
Clarke Wolfe
Alon McKlveen
Trina LaFargue
John Ierardi

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