Action Crime Drama
Jeb Maynard is a patrolman guarding the U.S.-Mexican border, whose partner and buddy Scooter has just been murdered. Maynard knows that a smuggler of illegal aliens is responsible for Scooter's death, but the feds insist that drug dealers committed the crime.
Directed by
Jerrold Freedman
Ed Harris
Charles Bronson
Jeb Maynard
John Ashton
Charlie Monroe
Wilford Brimley
Scooter Jackson
Bruno Kirby
Jimmy Fante
Bert Remsen
Carl J. Richards
Norman Alden
Willie Lambert
Michael Lerner
Henry Lydell
Kenneth McMillan
Malcolm Wallace
Charles Cyphers
Panchito Gómez
Benito Morales
Rodger LaRue
Enrique Castillo
Karmin Murcelo
Elena Morales
Virgil Frye
Lawrence P. Casey
Andy Davis
Luis Contreras
Carlos Muñoz Arosa
James Victor
John Roselius
Murray MacLeod
Jerry DeWilde
Katherine Pass
Eduardo Ricard
Virginia Bingham
Anthony Munoz

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