Thriller Crime Drama
Two strangers strike up a conversation on a long journey. One is a suspect in an unsolved missing person’s case and the other an undercover operative on his trail. Their uneasy friendship becomes the core of this tightly wrought thriller, which is based on the true story of one of the largest investigations and undercover operations in Australia.
Directed by
Thomas M. Wright
Written by
Thomas M. Wright
Joel Edgerton
Mark Frame
Sean Harris
Henry Teague
Matthew Sunderland
Controller / Cleaner
Ewen Leslie
Steve Mouzakis
Paul Emery
Fletcher Humphrys
Detective Graham Ikin
Mike Foenander
Heavy Man
Thibul Nettle
SES worker
Stephen Leeder
Airfield Operative
Anni Finsterer
Female Uniformed Cop (uncredited)
Alan Dukes
Adam Ovadia
Undercover Housekeeper
Melanie Munt
Senior Female Detective (uncredited)
Jada Alberts
Detective Kate Rylett
Simon Elrahi
Nick Buckland
Arresting Detective
Lucinda Nicholas
Flight Attendant (uncredited)
Peta Shannon
Detective E
Patty Glavieux
WA Detective
Adam Morgan
Large Man / Bodyguard
Andreas Sobik
Car Salesman
Violet Rowe
Mari Patrick
Rachel Burke
Interviewing Detective
Lori Bell
Former Partner
Lotte St. Clair
Emergency Operator
Martha Lott
RSL Manager
Isabella Albani
Flight Attendant
Heidi Jo
Senior Forensic Officer
Bronwen Kemp

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