Drama Thriller
Hollywood is the cinema capital of the world - the place where dreams come true. It is associated with glamour and luxury. But for Nick, reality is very different. Years ago he was a successful screenwriter. Now he is just a dispatcher at Utopia, a Hollywood limousine company. Dispatch follows Nick from dusk to dawn on one overnight shift.
Directed by
Steven Sprung
Written by
Bruce Bohne, Michael Bershad
Erick Avari
Sergeant Pincus
Kathy Christopherson
K.C. Cooper
Tina Casciani
Veronica St. Claire
John Apicella
Blake Robbins
Clint Carmichael
Brad Wilkinson
Bruce Bohne
Roman Arabia
Julia Boyd
Pink Boa
Trevor James
Michael Bershad
Camille Banham
Red Carpet Background / Las Vegas Traveler #5
Richard Beatty
TV Host
Rick Beatty
TV Host
Brandon Blanks
Red Carpet Interviewee / Las Vegas Traveler #4
Jeff Blumberg
Driver #6
Monique Carmona
Gary Casey
Limousine Driver

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