Animation Adventure Drama
Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the “Don Glees,” an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the woods to prove their innocence. As disaster strikes their expedition, tensions flare between the friends as they realize that growing up has taken them on wildly different paths in life.
Directed by
Atsuko Ishizuka
Kana Hanazawa
Tivoli Urayasu (voice)
Yuki Kaji
Hokuto 'Toto' Mitarai (voice)
Ayumu Murase
Shizuku 'Drop' Sakuma (voice)
Natsuki Hanae
Roma Kamogawa (voice)
Rino Sashihara
Mako Kamogawa (voice)
Atsushi Tamura
Tarou Kamogawa (voice)

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