TV Movie Drama
Hanna Brooks is the new girl in town who is looking to find her place and fit in at Lakewood High School, which was rocked a couple of years earlier by the shocking drug overdose of a popular student. Hanna suffers from an anxiety disorder and the move to a new school is especially stressful for her. While trying to fit in with the “it” crowd, she finds herself pulled between two boys – a bad boy with a heart of gold, and an alluring, popular rich kid who is not as straight of an arrow as he seems. Her relationship with them sweeps her into a dangerous situation that her mother Deborah must fight to save her from.
Directed by
Siobhan Devine
Written by
Anne-Marie Hess
Gabriel Darku
Alissa Skovbye
Nia Sioux
Hanna Brooks
Princess Davis
Anthony Timpano
Sherri Shepherd
Matt Kennedy
Stunt Performer
Aiden Howard
Samuel Braun
Andrew McNee
Mr. Arnet
Danyelle Tan

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