Romance Comedy Drama
Emma and Jesse are living the perfect life together, until Jesse disappears in a tragic helicopter crash on their first wedding anniversary. Four years later, Emma has found happiness again and is about to marry her best friend when Jesse resurfaces, turning her world upside down and leaving her torn between two great loves.
Directed by
Andy Fickman
Simu Liu
Sam Lee
Lauren Tom
Ann Blair
Beth Broderick
Francine Lerner
Phillipa Soo
Emma Blair
Gary Hudson
Joe Lerner
Luke Bracey
Jesse Lerner
Michaela Conlin
Victoria Blade
Ms. Washington
Wil Deusner
Michael O'Keefe
Colin Blair
Jacinte Blankenship
Ms. Phillips
Gabriella Garcia
Tom Everett Scott
Petr Jákl
Cooper van Grootel
Jesse (Young)
Christina Bach
Kelly Bach
Jay DeVon Johnson
Mr. Williams
Kelvin Hodge
Jessi Goei
Oceana Matsumoto
Richard Alan Reid
Phinehas Yoon
Sam (Young)
Oona Yaffe
Emma (Young)
Ty Respus
Police Officer
Gabrielle Newton
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Diana Hull

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