Action Animation Fantasy
The Ainsworth family's goal is to save the world from evil, but their success depends on the great sacrifice Magical Girl Miyu makes for them. Her brother Shirou, however, is not willing to let the family have his sister without a fight. That’s why he doggedly searches for a way to save not only the world but also Miyu...
Directed by
Shin Oonuma
Misato Fukuen
Tanaka (voice)
Katsuyuki Konishi
Darius Ainsworth (voice)
Kaori Nazuka
Miyu Edelfelt (voice)
Chiwa Saito
Chloe von Einzbern (voice)
Shizuka Itoh
Luviagelita Edelfelt (voice)
Ryoko Shiraishi
Angelica (voice)
Natsuki Hanae
Julian Ainsworth (voice)
Noriaki Sugiyama
Shirou Emiya (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Beatrice Flowerchild (voice)
Noriko Shitaya
Sakura Matou (voice)
Kana Ueda
Rin Toosaka (voice)
Hitomi Nabatame
Bazett Fraga McRemitz (voice)
Yumi Kakazu
Sapphire (voice)
Sumire Morohoshi
Erika Ainsworth (voice)
Mai Kadowaki
Illyasviel von Einzbern (voice)
Naoko Takano
Ruby (Voice)
Minami Kuribayashi

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