Animation Fantasy
With the help of the "Dragon Sin of Wrath" Meliodas and the worst rebels in history, the Seven Deadly Sins, the "Holy War", in which four races, including Humans, Goddesses, Fairies and Giants fought against the Demons, is finally over. At the cost of the "Lion Sin of Pride" Escanor's life, the Demon King was defeated and the world regained peace. After that, each of the Sins take their own path.
Directed by
Takayuki Hamana
Misaki Kuno
Hawk (voice)
Tomokazu Sugita
Escanor (voice)
Kana Kurashina
Supreme Deity (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Merlin (voice)
Yuki Kaji
Meliodas / Zeldris (voice)
Aoi Yuki
Diane (voice)
Jun Fukuyama
King (voice)
Sora Amamiya
Elizabeth Liones (voice)
Yuichi Nakamura
Dahlia (voice)
Shinichiro Kamio
Dubs (voice)
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Ban (voice)
Yuuhei Takagi
Gowther (voice)

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