Comedy Drama
Masry el Araby is an American-Egyptian citizen who travels back to his home town (in Egypt) after living in the US for 20 years. He has this idea of Egypt being a wonderful and amazing country, but the idea soon crashes as he faces reality. After arriving in Egypt, Masry is treated badly when he uses his Egyptian Passport. But then when he starts using his American Passport as an identification card, he is paid with a lot of respect. He faces many problems as he loses both passports.
Directed by
Khaled Marei
Written by
Khaled Diab
Youssef Daoud
عم هلال
Lotfy Labib
Ahmad Rateb
لواء الشرطة
Said Tarabeek
صاحب الكشك
Ahmed Helmy
Inam Salusah
أم سعيد
Hani ElSabagh
مدير الفندق
Mohamed Shaheen
رفيق الطائرة
Mohamed Khamis
مجرم ٢
فاعلة خير
Gehan Anwar
Amy Samir Ghanem
Hesham Ismail
ضابط المباحث
Marwa ElAzaly
مضيفة الطائرة
Shaima Abdel Qadir
Yasser El Tobgy
شاب السفارة والمطار
Samir Kamel
سايس خيول الهرم
Nader Fouad
موظف السفارة
Abd Allah Meshref
موظف السجل المدنى
Ibrahim El Samman
قائد المظاهرة
Ahmed Adel
مجرم ١
Mohamed Alii AlDein
ضابط الجوازات
Maryam Al Sokary
موظفة الفندق
Eid Abu Al-Hamd
الصاوى المخبر
Ata Al Ghamrawi
خادم المسجد
Rehab Hussain
Randa Ibrahim
ام عبير
Abdullah Ramadan
حماصة أخو سعيد
Alaa Zinhom
موظف الجوازات

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