Action Thriller Crime Comedy
Dangerous Men is a film with many characters, like Mina, whose life is shattered when two bikers with rape on their minds attack and kill Daniel, her fiancé. Driven by grief, she embarks on a killing rampage, wreaking vengeance upon all the men that she seductively lures into her trap. In her twisted world, cops and killers are all the same. David, Daniel's brother, is a cop who relentlessly pursues the killers, while facing a nest of drug dealers, followed by the FBI and the police SWAT team, also in hot pursuit. Mina, a victim of violence, carrying a twisted obsession for justice, is caught between opposing forces in a world of dangerous men.
Directed by
John S. Rad
James Brockman
Mina's Father
Melody Wiggins
Michael Hurt
Michael Gradilone
Tripp Law
Police Detective
Bryan Jenkins
Black Pepper
Thomas Shelorke
Head Biker
Gorge Derby
John Clure
John Drake
Truck Driver Rapist
David H. 'Dutch' Van Dalsem
Police Detective
Anneli Aeristos
Dart Player
Paul Arnold
Motel Manager
Allen Perada
Roya Saghafy
Sita Thompson
Blind Woman
Gil Gex
Police Detective
Steven Tateishi
Liquor Store Owner
Cora Yellen
Liquor Store Owner
Mark Besharaty
Thief #1
David Neff
Thief #2
Honey Goldberg
Harold Pritchett
Van Passenger
Jessica Zaccaro
Dory Mai
Mathew Curtin

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