Romance Comedy
A group of close friends who attend a private school all have a debilitating crush on the sunny star pupil, Shen Jiayi. The only member of the group who claims not to is Ke Jingteng, but he ends up loving her as well.
Directed by
Giddens Ko
Written by
Giddens Ko
Michelle Chen
Chia-Yi Shen
Phil Hou
Hsu Bo-chun / Boner
Owodog Chuang
Tsao Kuo-sheng / Cock
Kai Ko
Ching-Teng Ko
Tsai Chang-Hsien
Liao Ying-hung / Groin
Megan Lai
Wan Wan
Hu Chia-wei
Denny Huang
Lotus Wang
Ching-teng's Mother
Steven Hao
Hsieh Ming-ho / Fattie
Ko Yi-Hung
Ching-teng's Father

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