Action Sci-Fi Adventure
In the year 10,191, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The spice exists on only one planet in the entire universe, the vast desert planet Arrakis, also known as Dune. Its native inhabitants, the Fremen, have long held a prophecy that a man would come, a messiah who would lead them to true freedom.
Directed by
David Lynch
Patrick Stewart
Gurney Halleck
Dean Stockwell
Doctor Wellington Yueh
Alicia Witt
Virginia Madsen
Princess Irulan
Sean Young
Kyle MacLachlan
Paul Atreides
Brad Dourif
Piter De Vries
Linda Hunt
Shadout Mapes
Max von Sydow
Doctor Kynes
Feyd Rautha
Judd Omen
Jürgen Prochnow
Duke Leto Atreides
Kenneth McMillan
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
Everett McGill
Siân Phillips
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam
Richard Jordan
Duncan Idaho
José Ferrer
Padisha Emperor Shaddam IV
Henry Kingi
Francesca Annis
Lady Jessica
Paul L. Smith
The Beast Rabban
Ernesto Laguardia
Harkonnen's Victim (uncredited)
Freddie Jones
Thufir Hawat
Jacqueline Voltaire
Tony Brubaker
Claudia Ramírez
Fremen Girl (uncredited)
Ricardo Hill
Danny Corkill
Silvana Mangano
Reverend Mother Ramallo
Margarita Sanz
Lady Jessica's Maid (uncredited)
Leonardo Cimino
The Baron's Doctor
Ramón Menéndez
Kinet (uncredited)
Angélica Aragón
Bene Gesserit Sister (uncredited)
Frank Silva
Jack Nance
Humberto Elizondo
Czigo (uncredited)
Ana Ofelia Murguía
Palace Maid (uncredited)
Honorato Magaloni
Molly Wryn
Thomas Ebert
House Atreides Guard (uncredited)
Julieta Rosen
Palace Maid (uncredited)
John Sabol
Fedaykin Fighter (uncredited)
José Luis García Mainou
Wayne Michaels

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