Drama Romance
Andrew Manson, a young, idealistic, newly qualified Scottish doctor arrives in Wales takes his first job in a mining town, and begins to wonder at the persistent cough many of the miners have. When his attempts to prove its cause are thwarted, he moves to London. His new practice does badly. But when a friend shows him how to make a lucrative practice from rich hypochondriacs, it will take a great shock to show him what the truth of being a doctor really is.
Directed by
King Vidor
Leslie Phillips
Girl (uncredited)
Rex Harrison
Dr. Frederick Lawford
Ralph Richardson
Dr. Philip Denny
Felix Aylmer
Mr. Boon
Harry Terry
Miner (uncredited)
Athene Seyler
Lady Raebank
Robert Donat
Dr. Andrew Manson
Rosalind Russell
Christine Manson
Gus McNaughton
Tom Evans (uncredited)
Nora Swinburne
Mrs. Thornton
Emlyn Williams
Elliott Mason
District Nurse (uncredited)
Eliot Makeham
Jack the Pharmacist (uncredited)
Bernard Miles
Medical Aid Society Committee Member (uncredited)
Cecil Parker
Dr. Charles Every
Joss Ambler
Dr. A.H. Llewellyn
Mary Clare
Mrs. Orlando
Cameron Hall
Man Who Buys Microscope (uncredited)
Kynaston Reeves
Doctor (uncredited)
Edward Chapman
Joe Morgan
Bryan Herbert
Husband Whose Wife Has Typhoid (uncredited)
Francis L. Sullivan
Ben Chenkin
Joan Kemp-Welch
Nurse Assisting at Childbirth (uncredited)
Penelope Dudley-Ward
Toppy LeRoy
Joyce Bland
Nurse Sharp
Percy Parsons
Mr. Stillman
Dilys Davies
Mrs. Page
Basil Gill
Doctor Page
David Keir
Mr. Wickes (uncredited)
Ben Williams
Evan Lewis (uncredited)
D.J. Williams
Old Thomas (uncredited)

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