Drama Romance
Almost 19-year-old Marius feels himself in a rut in Marseille, his life planned for him by his cafe'-owning father, and he longs for the sea. The night before he is to leave on a 5-year voyage, Fanny, a girl he grew up with, reveals that she is in love with him, and he discovers that he is in love with her. He must choose between an exciting life at sea, and a boring life with the woman he loves. And Fanny must choose between keeping the man she loves, and letting him live the life he seems to want.
Directed by
Joshua Logan
Horst Buchholz
Charles Boyer
Leslie Caron
Lionel Jeffries
Monsieur Brun
Maurice Chevalier
Victor Francen
Panisse's older brother
Paul Bonifas
The Postman
Raymond Bussières
The Admiral
Salvatore Baccaloni
Escartifique (Ferryboat Captain)
Georgette Anys
Honorine (Fanny's Mother)
Joël Flateau
Cesario (Fanny's Son)

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