Animation Adventure Family Fantasy
Tarsilinha sets off on a journey to save her mother’s memory. The only way to do this is to find her mom's stolen keepsakes and overcome her own fears.
Directed by
Celia Catunda, Kiko Mistrorigo
Written by
Fernando Salém, Marcus Aurelius Pimenta
Marisa Orth
Lagarta (voice)
Cristina Mutarelli
Cuca (voice)
Maira Chasseroux
Mãe (voice)
Marcelo Tas
Bicho Pássaro (voice)
Zeca Baleiro
Mariana Zink
Coelha (voice)
Alice Barion
Tarsilinha (voice)
Ando Camargo
Sapo / Macaco (voice)
Saci (voice)
Rodolfo Dameglio
Bicho Barrigudo (voice)
Vanderlan Mendes
Touro (voice)

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