Comedy Drama
A curmudgeonly instructor at a New England prep school is forced to remain on campus during Christmas break to babysit the handful of students with nowhere to go. Eventually, he forms an unlikely bond with one of them — a damaged, brainy troublemaker — and with the school’s head cook, who has just lost a son in Vietnam.
Directed by
Alexander Payne
Written by
David Hemingson
Carrie Preston
Miss Lydia Crane
Paul Giamatti
Paul Hunham
Brady Hepner
Teddy Kountze
Gillian Vigman
Judy Clotfelter
Corey Hibbert
Michael Provost
Jason Smith
Tate Donovan
Stanley Clotfelter
Naheem Garcia
Oscar Wahlberg
Pinball Player
Dakota Lustick
Christmas Tree Helper
Stephen Thorne
Thomas Tully
Da'Vine Joy Randolph
Mary Lamb
Kelly AuCoin
Hugh Cavanaugh
Darby Lee-Stack
Dustin Tucker
Mr. Rosensweig
Dominic Sessa
Angus Tully
Andrew Garman
Dr. Hardy Woodrup
Rena Maliszewski
ER Nurse
Melissa McMeekin
Carter Shimp
Weed Buyer Harriman
Jim Kaplan
Ye-Joon Park
Michael Malvesti
Christmas Tree Guy
Ian Dolley
Alex Ollerman
Dan Aid
Vietnam Vet Kenneth
Liz Bishop
Office Lady
Ian Lyons
Miss Crane's Boyfriend
Colleen Clinton
Mrs. Cavanaugh
Kevin Fennessy
Irritated Movie Patron
Bill Mootos
Mr. Endicott
Ben Rezendes
Cole Tristan Murphy
Toothbrushing Student
Pamela Jayne Morgan
David J. Curtis
Psychiatric Orderly
Juanita Pearl
Mary's Sister Peggy
Alexander Cook
Priest / Bartender
Will Sussbauer
Cobb Salad Student
Jonathan von Mering
ER Doctor
Osmani Rodriguez
Mike Kaz
Hip Party Guest
Fred Robbins
Santa Claus
Davis Robinson
Maître d'hôtel
Joe Howell
Liquor Store Cashier
Greg Chopoorian
Jason Smith's Father
Kevin Daigneault
Barton Parent (uncredited)
Bhanu Gopal
Boston Streeter / Pedestrian (uncredited)
Anastasia Tsikhanava
Alan Francis Sullivan
Kelly Kreiser

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