Action Comedy
A Coca-Cola bottle dropped from an airplane raises havoc among a normally peaceful tribe of African bushmen who believe it to be a utensil of the gods.
Directed by
Jamie Uys
Sandra Prinsloo
Kate Thompson
Michael Thys
Marius Weyers
Andrew Steyn
Ken Gampu
Brian O'Shaughnessy
Mr. Thompson
Paddy O'Byrne
Narrator (voice)
Louw Verwey
Sam Boga
Nic De Jager
Jack Hind
Fanyana H. Sidumo
Card 1
Joe Seakatsie
Card 2
Graham Armitage
The Reverend (voice) (uncredited)
Vera Blacker
Mrs. Thompson (uncredited)
Janet Meshad
Kate Thompson (voice) (uncredited)

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