Drama Mystery
In the years after the Revolution, China broken up into fiefdoms held by warlords, who are busy fighting each other. One warlord has imprisoned a girl and wants her to be his seventh wife, but he's too honorable to force her. The local revolutionaries wants to kill him and bring back the republic. But when a stranger returns from abroad with mastery of magic to recover the girl he loved, who is tricking whom and who will win at the end?
Directed by
Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Written by
Lau Ho-leung, Chun Tin-Nam, Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Daniel Wu
Captain Tsai
Alex Fong Chung-Sun
Chen Kuo
Tony Leung Chiu-wai
Zhang Xian
Zhou Xun
Liu Yin
Wang Xichao
General Lei's Aide
Berg Ng Ting-Yip
Lam Suet
Li Feng Jen
Qu Jingjing
Wang Ziwen
Li Chiao
Sean Lau Ching-Wan
General Bully Lei
Zhang Yilong
Zhao Yi
Tan Jianchang
Vincent Kok
Ambrose Hui
Paul Chun Pui
Liu Wan Yao
Kenya Sawada
Tarou Mitearai
Benz Kong To-Hoi
Liu Di
Yan Ni
General Lei's No. 3 Wife
Zhang Aiqin
Fuji Shou
Yang Bing
Tavern Owner
Wu Gang
Butler Liu Kun Shan
Ma Jingjing
Zhang Xian's Associate
Jamie Luk Kim-Ming
YaShu Zhan
Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Wang Shengkai
Guo Jiayi
Miao Tian
General Lei's Wife
Guo Jiulong
Xia Dejun
Zhang You
Captured Revolutionary
Morris Rong Xiang
Hu Ninglin
Ying Yuan
Xinyi Wang
Fei Wang

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