Action Drama
One of the biggest NXT events of the Summer comes to you directly where you live as NXT Women's Champion Raquel Gonzalez defends her championship against Ember Moon, Cameron Grimes takes on LA Knight in what is being called a "Million Dollar Match", and NXT Champion Karrion Kross defends his championship against Johnny Gargano, Kyle O'Reilly, Pete Dunne, and Adam Cole in a Fatal Five Way Match.
Elizabeth Chihaia
John Gargano
Johnny Gargano
Zhao Xia
Xia Li
Shaun Ricker
LA Knight
Kevin Kesar
Karrion Kross
Kyle Greenwood
Kyle O'Reilly
Austin Jenkins
Adam Cole
Peter England
Pete Dunne
Raquel Rodriguez
Raquel Gonzalez
Adrienne Reese
Ember Moon
Ted DiBiase Sr.
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
Jamine Benitez
Mercedes Martinez
Trevor Lee Caddell
Cameron Grimes

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