Adventure Drama
Chuck Nolan, a top international manager for FedEx, and Kelly, a Ph.D. student, are in love and heading towards marriage. Then Chuck's plane to Malaysia crashes at sea during a terrible storm. He's the only survivor, and finds himself marooned on a desolate island. With no way to escape, Chuck must find ways to survive in his new home.
Directed by
Robert Zemeckis
Written by
William Broyles Jr.
Tom Hanks
Chuck Noland
Helen Hunt
Kelly Frears
Chris Noth
Jerry Lovett
Wendy Worthington
Wendy Larson
Steve Monroe
Steve Larson
Jenifer Lewis
Becca Twig
Christopher Kriesa
Pilot Kevin
Elden Henson
Elden Madden
Lauren Birkell
Lauren Madden
Lisa Long
Lisa Madden
Vsevolod Boldin
Michael Forest
Pilot Jack
Valerie Wildman
Virginia Larson
Jay Acovone
Pilot Peter
Anne Bellamy
Anne Larson
Dennis Letts
Dennis Larson
Timothy Stack
Morgan Stockton
Nick Searcy
Nan Martin
Kelly's Mother
Geoffrey Blake
Maynard Graham
Garret Davis
Pilot Blaine
Lari White
Bettina Peterson
Alice Vaughn
Alice Stockton
Viveka Davis
Pilot Gwen
David Allen Brooks
Dick Peterson
John Duerler
John Larson
Paul Sanchez
Derick Alexander
Taxi Driver
Valentina Ananina
Russian Babushka
Leonid Citer
Joe Conley
Joe Wally
Peter Von Berg
Jennifer Choe
Memphis State Student
Dmitri S. Boudrine
Semion Sudarikov
Vince Martin
Albert Miller

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