Animation Drama
Yokohama, 1963. Japan is picking itself up from the devastation of World War II and preparing to host the 1964 Olympics—and the mood is one of both optimism and conflict as the young generation struggles to throw off the shackles of a troubled past. Against this backdrop of hope and change, a friendship begins to blossom between high school students Umi and Shun—but a buried secret from their past emerges to cast a shadow on the future and pull them apart.
Directed by
Goro Miyazaki
Masami Nagasawa
Umi Matsuzaki (voice)
Teruyuki Kagawa
Tokumaru Rijicho (voice)
Jun Fubuki
Ryoko Matsuzaki (voice)
Keiko Takeshita
Hana Matsuzaki (voice)
Takashi Naito
Yoshio Onodera (voice)
Yuriko Ishida
Miki Hokuto (voice)
Junichi Okada
Shun Kazama / Yuichiro Sawamura (voice)
Haruka Shiraishi
Sora Matsuzaki (voice)
Nao Ômori
Akio Kazama (voice)
Shunsuke Kazama
Shiro Mizunuma / Hiroshi Tachibana (voice)
Rumi Hiiragi
Sachiko Hirokoji (voice)
Tsubasa Kobayashi
Riku Matsuzaki (voice)

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