Drama TV Movie
In 1972, a historical ice hockey game series is arranged where the cream of Canadian's professional star players of the National Hockey League against the best of the Soviet Union. Although Canada and the USSR have faced off repeatedly on the amateur level before, most of Canada is smugly convinced that the Soviets will be no match for the pros. However, that assumption is forcefully shot down when Team Canada is soundly trounced in the first game by the skilled Soviet Union team. What follows is a bitter struggle as Team Canada fights to recover in a series that would change Canadian hockey's self-image and history forever.
Directed by
T.W. Peacocke
Written by
Barrie Dunn, Malcolm MacRury
Mike Dopud
Vic Hadfield
Judah Katz
Alan Eagleson
Booth Savage
Paul Henderson
Barrie Dunn
Gerry Dee
Wayne Cashman
David Berni
Paul Henderson
David Alexander Miller
Paul Henderson
Jimmy MacKinley
Russian Soldier

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