Drama Romance
A saga of class relations and changing times in an Edwardian England on the brink of modernity, the film centers on liberal Margaret Schlegel, who, along with her sister Helen, becomes involved with two couples: wealthy, conservative industrialist Henry Wilcox and his wife Ruth, and the downwardly mobile working-class Leonard Bast and his mistress Jackie.
Directed by
James Ivory
Anthony Hopkins
Henry J. Wilcox
Emma Thompson
Margaret Schlegel
Jemma Redgrave
Evie Wilcox
Helena Bonham Carter
Helen Schlegel
Vanessa Redgrave
Ruth Wilcox
Samuel West
Leonard Bast
Prunella Scales
Aunt Juley
Simon Callow
Music and Meaning Lecturer (uncredited)
Margery Mason
Wedding Guests
James Wilby
Charles Wilcox
Mark Tandy
Luncheon Guests
Crispin Bonham-Carter
Albert Fussell
Nicola Duffett
Jacky Bast
Anne Lambton
Luncheon Guests
Peter Cellier
Colonel Fussell
Susie Lindeman
Dolly Wilcox
Gerald Paris
Porphyrion Supervisor
Atalanta White
Maid at Howards End
Barbara Hicks
Miss Avery
Adrian Ross Magenty
Tibby Schlegel
Brian Lipson
Police Inspector
Joseph Bennett
Paul Wilcox
Jo Kendall
Ian Latimer
Station Master
Siegbert Prawer
Man Asking a Question
Andrew St. Clair
Luncheon Guests
Emma Godfrey
Luncheon Guests
Duncan Brown
Luncheon Guests
Iain Kelly
Luncheon Guests
Allie Byrne
Sally Geoghegan
Paula Stockbridge
Bridget Duvall
Lucy Freeman
Harriet Stewart
Tina Leslie
Mark Payton
Percy Cahill
Mary McWilliams
Wilcox Baby
Rodney Rymell
Luke Parry
Tom, the Farmer's Boy
Antony Gilding
Bank Supervisor
Patricia Lawrence
Wedding Guests
Jim Bowden
Alan James
Porphyrion Chief Clerk
Jocelyn Cobb
Telegraph Operator
Peter Darling
Terence Sach
Delivery Man
Mary Nash
Barr Heckstall-Smith
Helen's Child

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