Comedy Crime Drama
A gang of thieves has jeopardized the city and even the police, whose chief urges their forces to captured the band within 48 hours. Meanwhile, band members meet in a cafe run by a widow and her daughter and her suitor, Cantinflas, who maintains a scuffle with the robbers running all at the station. Since then, Cantinflas become a member of the police force for special missions.
Directed by
Miguel M. Delgado
Agente 777
Alfonso Bedoya
Greñas (uncredited)
Roberto Cañedo
Extra (uncredited)
Carolina Barret
Carlos López Moctezuma
Matias Luis Riquelme
Julio Villarreal
Jefe de policía
Manuel Dondé
Amigo vagabundo (uncredited)
Alfredo Varela
Óscar Pulido
Estanislao Schillinsky
Gerente hotel
Agustín Isunza
Narciso Busquets
Niño (uncredited)
Juan García
Chusma (uncredited)
Rafael Hernández
Eduardo Arozamena
Mapy Cortés
La criollita
Gloria Marín
Daniel Herrera
Comandante Bravo
Arturo Soto Rangel
Doctor (uncredited)
Amparo Arozamena
Esposa de enfermo
Amanda del Llano
Chica restaurante de hotel (uncredited)
Joaquín Coss
Profesor Melo (uncredited)
Pedro Elviro
Secuaz de Riquelme (uncredited)
Luis G. Barreiro
Empleado hotel
Consuelo Guerrero de Luna
Doña Joaquinita
Enrique Carrillo
Borracho en comisaria (uncredited)
Roberto Corell
Cliente Francés de hotel (uncredited)
Fernando Curiel
Empleado hotel (uncredited)
Enrique García Álvarez
Señor Bustamante (uncredited)
Max Langler
Policía (uncredited)
Rubén Márquez
Hombre bailando hotel (uncredited)
Humberto Rodríguez
Vendedor de plumas (uncredited)
Manuel Sánchez Navarro
Mequiades de la Peña y Peña (uncredited)
María Valdealde
Mujer mayor en restaurante de hotel (uncredited)
Armando Velasco
Secuaz de Riquelme (uncredited)
Alfonso Jiménez

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