Comedy Romance
With high school a distant memory, Jim and Michelle are getting married — and in a hurry, since Jim's grandmother is sick and wants to see him walk down the aisle — prompting Stifler to throw the ultimate bachelor party. And Jim's dad is reliable as ever, doling out advice no one wants to hear.
Directed by
Jesse Dylan
Eugene Levy
Jim's Father
Alyson Hannigan
Michelle Flaherty
John Cho
Jennifer Coolidge
Stifler's Mom
Jason Biggs
Jim Levenstein
January Jones
Cadence Flaherty
Seann William Scott
Steve Stifler
Fred Willard
Harold Flaherty
Eddie Kaye Thomas
Paul Finch
Molly Cheek
Jim's Mother
Willam Belli
Butch Queen
Reynaldo Gallegos
Leslie Summers
Lawrence Pressman
Head Coach
Eric Allan Kramer
Amanda Swisten
Fraulein Brandi
Nikki Ziering
Officer Krystal
Loren Lester
Alexis Thorpe
Angela Paton
Deborah Rush
Mary Flaherty
Thomas Ian Nicholas
Kevin Myers
Logan Bartholomew
Football Guy
Corinne Reilly
Justin Isfeld
Rob Nagle
Floral Assistant
Antoinette Spolar
Cultured Saleswoman
Scott Austin
Patrick Gallo
Dress Salesman
Kate Hendrickson
Joe Gonzalez

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