Thriller Drama Mystery
As investigative reporter Ward Jansen and his partner Yardley Acheman chase a sensational, career-making story with the help of Ward's younger brother Jack and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless, the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Van Wetter was framed for the murder of a corrupt local sheriff.
Directed by
Lee Daniels
Nicole Kidman
Charlotte Bless
Zac Efron
Jack Jansen
Matthew McConaughey
Ward Jansen
Scott Glenn
W.W. Jansen
John Cusack
Hillary Van Wetter
David Oyelowo
Yardley Acheman
Macy Gray
Anita / Narrator
Faizon Love
Peter Murnik
Death Row Guard
Ned Bellamy
Tyree van Wetter
J.D. Evermore
Gate Guard
Camille Balsamo
Pam / Beach Girl #1
Nicole Barré
Charlotte Girlfriend #2
Nealla Gordon
Ellen Guthrie
Gary Clarke
Weldon Pine
Nikolette Noel
Edrick Browne
Hustler #1
Katarzyna Wolejnio
Ava Bogle
Renee / Nail Biter
Danny Hanemann
Sheriff Thurmond Call
John P. Fertitta
Sam Ellison
Jay Oliver
Mr. Guthrie / Wedding Guest
Adam Sibley
Phyllis Montana LeBlanc
Leslie Hippensteel
Kim / Beach Girl #2
Grace Hightower
Yardley's Girlfriend
Lorrie Chilcoat
Wedding Singer
Stiggidy Steve
Hustler #3
Rahsaana Ison
Lady in Bar
Corrina Lyons
Cousin Alice

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