Drama Romance
A 15-year-old discovers the joys and heartaches of first love with an older teen, but in the ensuing years, cannot seem to move past their breakup.
Directed by
Mia Hansen-Løve
Valérie Bonneton
Camille's Mother
Éric Fraticelli
The site manager
Özay Fecht
Sullivan's Mother
Serge Renko
Camille's Father
Sebastian Urzendowsky
Lola Créton
Philippe Paimblanc
The first antique dealer
Amélie Robin
High school friend
Meinhard St. John
Museum Director
Guy-Patrick Sainderichin
Architecture teacher
Jean-Paul Dubois
The demolition contractor
Magne-Håvard Brekke
Max Ricat
Sullivan's Brother
Louis Dunbar
Patrice Movermann
The second antique dealer
Arnaud Azoulay
Camille's Brother
Justine Dhouailly
High school friend
Charlotte Faivre
The head hostess
François Buot
History teacher
Elisabeth Guill
English teacher
Marie-Hélène Peyrat
French teacher
Grégoire Strecker
The night clubber
Frédéric Liévain

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