Drama Romance
A young bureaucrat for the Tennessee Valley Authority goes to rural Tennessee to oversee the building of a dam. He encounters opposition from the local people, in particular a farmer who objects to his employment (with pay) of local black laborers. Much of the plot revolves around the eviction of a stubborn octogenarian from her home on an island in the river, and the young man's love affair with that woman's widowed granddaughter. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with The Film Foundation.
Directed by
Elia Kazan
Bruce Dern
Jack Roper
Robert Earl Jones
Sam Johnson (uncredited)
Lee Remick
Carol Garth Baldwin
James Westerfield
Cal Garth
Jay C. Flippen
Hamilton Garth
Jo Van Fleet
Ella Garth
Malcolm Atterbury
Sy Moore
Albert Salmi
Hank Bailey
Montgomery Clift
Chuck Glover
Barbara Loden
Betty Jackson
Frank Overton
Walter Clark

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