Animation Drama Comedy Romance
Takato Saijo has reigned as the idol industry's "Most Huggable" for five years, that is, until freshman actor Azumaya. Takato was always considered brusque while Azumaya's smile is winning over admirers by comparison. The whole fiasco drives Takuto to over indulge in alcohol and his actions catch the attention of the last person he wants to see. To his surprise, Azumaya uses this new info to blackmail Takuto for physical affection.
Directed by
Naoyuki Tatsuwa
Wataru Hatano
Kiyotaka Arisu (voice)
Yuma Uchida
Ryo Narumiya (voice)
Yuki Ono
Junta Azumaya (voice)
Takuya Sato
Chihiro Ayagi (voice)
Kohsuke Toriumi
Kazuomi Usaka (voice)
Hiroki Takahashi
Takato Saijo (voice)
Show Hayami
Ceres (voice)
Fukushi Ochiai
Antonio (voice)

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