Family Adventure Fantasy Drama
Upon moving into the run-down Spiderwick Estate with their mother, twin brothers Jared and Simon Grace, along with their sister Mallory, find themselves pulled into an alternate world full of faeries and other creatures.
Directed by
Mark Waters
Ron Perlman
Red Cap (voice) (uncredited)
Seth Rogen
Hogsqueal (voice)
Freddie Highmore
Jared Grace / Simon Grace
Nick Nolte
Martin Short
Thimbletack (voice)
Mary-Louise Parker
Helen Grace
David Strathairn
Arthur Spiderwick
Sarah Bolger
Mallory Grace
Andrew McCarthy
Richard Grace
Joan Plowright
Aunt Lucinda Spiderwick
Jordy Benattar
Young Lucinda Spiderwick
Tyler Patrick Jones
Additional Performer
Mariah Inger
Tod Fennell
Helen's Co-Worker
Sean Samuels
France Raymond
Lise Durocher-Viens
Mrs. Spiderwick
Kyle Switzer
Additional Performer
Nathalie Girard

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