Animation Comedy
This special cut of the anime series recaps the events of the slice of life comedy where lewd manga artist Kakushi Goto tries to hide his profession from his adorable daughter, Hime. What ensues is a ton of hijinks and a lot of heart in this emotional adventure. The Kakushigoto Theatrical Edition isn’t just a recap; it also includes some all-new footage, which makes it the perfect watch for repeat viewers or those looking to experience it for the very first time.
Directed by
Yuta Murano
Hiroshi Kamiya
Kakushi Gotou (voice)
Rikiya Koyama
Rikirō Daiwa (voice)
Emiri Kato
Nadira (voice)
Ari Ozawa
Silvia Kobu (voice)
Maaya Uchida
Ichiko Rokujou (voice)
Ayumu Murase
Kakeru Keshi (voice)
Yumi Hara
Kumi Jouro (voice)
Ayane Sakura
Ami Kakei (voice)
Taku Yashiro
Aogu Shiji (voice)
Natsuki Hanae
Satsuki Tomaruin (voice)
Rikako Aida
Naru Senda (voice)
Kiyono Yasuno
Rasuna Sumita (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Mario (voice)
Azumi Waki
Riko Kitsuchi (voice)
Rie Takahashi
Hime Gotou (voice)
Kaede Hondo
Hina Tōmi (voice)
Manami Numakura
Risa Uchiki (voice)
Shiho Kokido
Yō Shiokoshi (voice)

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