Action Drama
For the first-time ever, NXT is bringing two whole nights of what the black and gold brand can bring for WrestleMania weekend as night two of this two-night event features Santos Escobar taking on Jordan Devlin in an NXT Cruiserweight Championship Unification Ladder Match, Karrion Kross goes one-on-one against Finn Bálor for the NXT Championship, and Adam Cole looks to end Kyle O'Reilly once and for all as they fight in an Unsanctioned Match.
Jorge Bolly
Santos Escobar
Elizabeth Chihaia
John Gargano
Johnny Gargano
Jermaine Haley
Bronson Reed
Stuart Bennett
Wade Barrett
Zachary Green
Nash Carter
Elizabeth Copeland
Beth Phoenix
Kevin Kesar
Karrion Kross
Deveon Aikens
Wes Lee
Candice LeRae
Candice LeRae
Fergal Devitt
Finn Bálor
Raúl Mendoza
Kyle Greenwood
Kyle O'Reilly
Austin Jenkins
Adam Cole
Jordan Devlin
Austin White
Austin Theory
Ashley Urbanski
Shotzi Blackheart
Adrienne Reese
Ember Moon
Michael Paris
Joaquin Wilde
Victor Travagliante
Vic Joseph
Samantha De Martin
Indi Hartwell

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