Drama Romance
Strap yourself in for an exhilarating journey into darkness with these five award-winning short films from across the globe that delve into heart-pumping escapades varying from the intensely erotic to the ultra-violent to the warm-inside feels. The night has never looked so inviting. Segments: After Dawn [Passée l'aube] (2017), Poof (2018), Spiral (2018), Night of Love (2018), Floating Melon [浮果] (2015).
Directed by
Xiaoxi Xu, Gustav Olsson, Roberto F. Canuto, Gabriel Omri Loukas, Dean Anderson, Nicolas Graux
Aiden Nord
Aaron (segment "Poof")
Piotr Biedroń
Pawel (segment "After Dawn")
Tijmen Govaerts
Clément (segment "After Dawn")

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