Comedy Romance Music
Many years ago, a young aristocrat wanted to marry a famous singer, but his father destroyed the marriage before twediing, believing that singer is not suitable wife for future diplomat. After several years their adult children now met in the theater of Buenos Aires.
Directed by
Julio Saraceni
Written by
Abel Santacruz
Mario Faig
Alberto Dalbés
Alberto Mendez Tejada son / Alberto Miranda
Warly Ceriani
Lolita Torres
Soledad Reales "La Chispera" / Ana María Rosales
Morenita Galé
Marta Bibí
Floren Delbene
Alberto Mendez Tejada's father
Domingo Sapelli
Alberto Mendez Tejada's grandfather
Teresa Blasco
Ramón J. Garay
Sr Mendiondo
Juan Verdaguer
Luis García Bosch
Julián Pérez Ávila
Lina Bardo
Elvira García
Tomás Alonso
Valentín Castro Rey
Monique Bond
Thelma Jordán
Roberto Bordoni
Carmen Giménez
Doña Laura
Rafael Diserio
Maid of the Mendez Tejada family
Juan Villarreal
Pepe Armil

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