Family Comedy Adventure Fantasy
Family adventure based on Mary Norton's classic children's books about a race of tiny people who live under the floorboards, resourcefully surviving by borrowing bits and pieces from the large residents who dwell above. After being discovered by 'human beans', borrower Arrietty and her parents are forced to leave their home while attempting to evade the clutches of obsessive scientist Professor Mildeye.
Directed by
Tom Harper
Written by
Ben Vanstone
Christopher Eccleston
Pod Clock
Robert Sheehan
Shaun Dooley
Josh Charles
Stephen Fry
Professor Mildeye
Sharon Horgan
Homily Clock
Aisling Loftus
Arrietty Clock
Victoria Wood
Granny Driver
Francis Chouler
Spiller's Mate
Charlie Hiscock
Warona Seane
Dean Karen Richards
Anne Hirsch

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