Action Adventure Drama
His father a hardcore Southern Baptist, J.C. rebels during his teen years, joining a biker gang and becoming their leader. While day-tripping, he has a prophetic religious vision and leads an LSD-fueled pilgrimage back to his home town, where he challenges the local church leaders, even knocking down chairs and tables in righteous anger, just like ... you know. Is Jesus Christ born again on Earth?
Directed by
William F. McGaha
Written by
William F. McGaha, Joe Thirty
Slim Pickens
Grady Caldwell
Simone Griffeth
Harriet 'The Hare'
Joanna Moore
Miriam Wages
Pat Delaney
Kim McKool
Hannibal Penney
David Little
Burr DeBenning
Dan Martin
Judy Frazier
Rachel Myers
Conrad Peavey
Matthew Garth
Carlton Wages
Brenda Sutton
Carol Hall
Shirley 'The Saint'
Byron Warner
Bud Allen
Max Payne
Mr. Clean

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