Comedy Romance
It's World War II and there is a severe housing shortage everywhere - especially in Washington, D.C. where Connie Milligan rents an apartment. Believing it to be her patriotic duty, Connie offers to sublet half of her apartment, fully expecting a suitable female tenent. What she gets instead is mischievous, middle-aged Benjamin Dingle. Dingle talks her into subletting to him and then promptly sublets half of his half to young, irreverent Joe Carter - creating a situation tailor-made for comedy and romance.
Directed by
George Stevens
Bruce Bennett
FBI Agent Evans
Joel McCrea
Joe Carter
Jean Arthur
Constance Milligan
Ann Savage
Miss Dalton (uncredited)
Ann Doran
Miss Bilby (uncredited)
Charles Coburn
Benjamin Dingle
Donald Douglas
FBI Agent Harding
Richard Gaines
Charles J. Pendergast
Frank Sully
FBI Agent Pike
Chester Clute
Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Clyde Fillmore
Senator Noonan
Grady Sutton
Diner Counterman (uncredited)
Jack Carr
Taxi Driver
Brandon Beach
Shaving Gag

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