Drama Romance
The story of Michael Berg, a German lawyer who, as a teenager in the late 1950s, had an affair with an older woman, Hanna, who then disappeared only to resurface years later as one of the defendants in a war crimes trial stemming from her actions as a concentration camp guard late in the war. He alone realizes that Hanna is illiterate and may be concealing that fact at the expense of her freedom.
Directed by
Stephen Daldry
Kate Winslet
Hanna Schmitz
Ralph Fiennes
Michael Berg
Lena Olin
Rose Mather
Jeanette Hain
Karoline Herfurth
Sylvester Groth
Prosecuting Council
Alexandra Maria Lara
Young Ilana Mather
David Kross
Young Michael Berg
Linda Bassett
Ms. Brenner
Hannah Herzsprung
Kirsten Block
Female Judge
Susanne Lothar
Carla Berg
Volker Bruch
Dieter Spenz
Ludwig Blochberger
Bruno Ganz
Professor Rohl
Benjamin Trinks
Holger's friend
Fabian Busch
Hanna's Defense Council
Matthias Habich
Peter Berg
Florian Bartholomäi
Thomas Berg
Martin Brambach
Remand Prison Guard #1
Margarita Broich
Vijessna Ferkic
Burghart Klaußner
Marie Gruber
Heike Hanold-Lynch
Prison Guard
Jürgen Tarrach
Gerhard Bade
Moritz Grove
Carmen-Maja Antoni
Prison Librarian

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