Adventure Fantasy Animation Action Sci-Fi
After a mysterious prisoner with only a few weeks left on his sentence breaks out of prison in Central City, the Elric brothers attempt to track him down. The search leads them to Table City in the southwestern country of Creta, where Alphonse rescues a young alchemist named Julia from the very man they are trying to capture. In the thick of the fight, they literally tumble into Julia's home turf, the slums of Milos Valley, and are embroiled in the grassroots rebellion of her people.
Directed by
Kazuya Murata
Romi Park
Edward Elric (voice)
Megumi Takamoto
Winry Rockbell (voice)
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Melvin Voyager (voice) / Atlas (voice)
Fumiko Orikasa
Riza Hawkeye (voice)
Yusaku Yara
Vatanen (voice)
Maaya Sakamoto
Julia Crichton (voice)
Nao Toyama
Karina (voice)
Shin-ichiro Miki
Roy Mustang (voice)
Hidenobu Kiuchi
Herschel (voice) / Ashley Crichton (voice)
Ryohei Kimura
Ashley Crichton (young) (voice)
Koji Ishii
Graz (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Alphonse Elric (voice)
Kenji Utsumi
Alex Louis Armstrong (voice)
Yukimasa Kishino
Gonzales (voice)
Takanori Hoshino
Raul (voice) / Alan (voice)
Shinji Kawada
Tony (voice)
Hisao Egawa
Sizzler (voice)
Kiyotaka Furushima
Pedro (voice)
Sakiko Tamagawa
Miranda (voice)
Hideyuki Umezu
Peter Soyuz (voice)
Biichi Sato
Heymans Breda (voice)

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