Comedy Drama
Two disaffected, unemployed Chinese youth drift through life on the streets of their industrial town, their paths crossing with that of a local young singer and dancer working for a liquor company as a spokesmodel.
Directed by
Jia Zhangke
Written by
Jia Zhangke
Zhao Tao
Qiao Qiao
Feng Qing
Yuan Yuan
Liang Jingdong
Wang Hongwei
Xiao Wu
Wei Wei Zhao
Bin Bin
Wang Limin
The Karaoke Customer
Qiong Wu
Xiao Ji
Ru Bai
Bin Bin's Mother
Xi An Liu
Xiao Ji's Father
Shou Lin Xu
Sister Zhu
Dao Xiao
Mr. Ren
Zi Ying
Zhubin Li
Qiao San
Ai Jun Ren
The Hairdresser

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