Romance History Drama
Sophie Dorothea is a young woman forced into a loveless marriage with Prince George Louis of Hanover. George Louis is later crowned King George I of England. Despairing of ever experiencing true love, the depressed queen finds life at court no solace. Sophie then falls for a dashing Swedish soldier of fortune, Count Konigsmark.
Directed by
Basil Dearden
Written by
John Dighton, Alexander Mackendrick
Stewart Granger
Count Philip Konigsmark
Anthony Quayle
Joan Greenwood
Sophie Dorothea
Michael Gough
Prince Charles
Flora Robson
Countess Clara Platen
Frederick Valk
The Elector Ernest Augustus
Peter Bull
Prince George Louis
Aubrey Mallalieu
Envoy at Ahlden
Miles Malleson
Lord of Misrule
Allan Jeayes
Governor of Ahlden
Noel Howlett
Count Platen
Megs Jenkins
Frau Busche
Jill Balcon
Guy Rolfe
Envoy at Ahlden
Françoise Rosay
The Electress Sophia
David Horne
Duke George William
Edward Sinclair
Margaret Vines
Mercia Swinburne
Countess Eleanore
Cecil Trouncer
Major Eck
Barbara Leake
Maria, Clara's Maid
Rosemary Lang
Young Princess Sophie
Anthony Lang
Young Prince George

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