Comedy Drama Romance
In order to convince Raimonda, a wealthy noble woman, to finance his project for a holiday resort, Saverio gets engaged to Clotilde, her mentally-disturbed and sex-obsessed adolescent daughter. He plans to have her kidnapped and raped by an accomplice so she won't be a virgin anymore and he'll have an excuse to get out of the impending marriage. But what he doesn't plan is to fall in love with the girl...
Directed by
Alberto Lattuada
Written by
Bruno Di Geronimo
Irene Papas
Raimonda Spina
Teresa Ann Savoy
Clotilde Spina
Mario Scaccia
Don Amilcare de Loyola
Gigi Proietti
Saverio Mazzacolli
Lina Polito
Daniela Caroli
Isa Miranda
Bruno Cirino
Peppe Colizzi
Pia Attanasio Fioretti
nonna Anastasia
Nina De Padova
balia Anna
Gabriella Cammelli Severi

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