Crime Drama
Set in post Second World War Britain, Noose is the story of black market racketeers who face attempts to bring them to justice by an American fashion journalist, her ex-army fiancée and a gang of honest toughs from a local gym. When a corpse turns up at black market front The Blue Moon Club, Yank reporter Carole Landis starts snooping, much to gang boss Joseph Calleia’s annoyance. And soon there’s a hit man on the way...
Directed by
Edmond T. Gréville
Written by
Richard Llewellyn
Joseph Calleia
Reginald Tate
the editor
Carole Landis
Linda Medbury
Leslie Bradley
Nigel Patrick
Bar Gorman
Stanley Holloway
Inspector Rendall
Edward Rigby
John Slater
Pudd'n Bason
John Harvey
Mack (uncredited)
John Salew
Greasy Anderson
Derek Farr
Captain Jumbo Hoyle
Brenda Hogan
Hay Petrie
the barber
Robert Adair
Sgt. Brooks
Ruth Nixon
Annie Foss
Carol van Derman
Mercia Lane
Uriel Porter
Ella Retford
Michael Golden
Olive Lucius
cabaret singer
Jeanne Ravel
a dancer
Michael Brennan
Ropey (uncredited)
Dennis Harkin
Saxie (uncredited)

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