Horror Comedy Fantasy
When a proposed pipeline creates hostilities between residents of a small town, a newly-arrived forest ranger must keep the peace after a snowstorm confines the townspeople to an old lodge. But when a mysterious creature begins terrorizing the group, their worst tendencies and prejudices rise to the surface, and it is up to the ranger to keep the residents alive, both from each other and the monster which plagues them.
Directed by
Josh Ruben
Milana Vayntrub
Cecily Moore
Glenn Fleshler
Sarah Burns
Sam Richardson
Finn Wheeler
Catherine Curtin
Jeanine Sherman
Harvey Guillén
Joachim Wolfson
Michaela Watkins
Trisha Anderton
Michael Chernus
Pete Anderton
Josh Ruben
Wayne Duvall
Sam Parker
Cheyenne Jackson
Devon Wolfson
George Basil
Anni Krueger
Rebecca Henderson
Dr. Ellis
Patrick M. Walsh
Dave Sherman
John Christopher Hicks

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