Drama Horror Mystery
Upon receiving a mysterious letter that her mother's grave has been vandalized, Marie travels to the desolate island town where she's buried. Just as she arrives, the island closes for the season, leaving Marie trapped in a nightmare.
Directed by
Mickey Keating
Written by
Mickey Keating
Melora Walters
Ava Aldrich
Jocelin Donahue
Marie Aldrich
Richard Brake
The Bridge Man
Eliza Shin
Ms. Gardner, Esq
Larry Fessenden
H. Grierson
Jess Varley
Young Woman
Jeremy Gardner
The Fisherman
Jonathan Medina
Mr. Clayton, Esq
Amanda Grace Benitez
Andrew Vilar
Young Man
April Linscott
Miss Emily
Andrew Varenhorst
Man From the Sea
Anthony Azar
Ken Luzadder
Old Man

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